Oh! Hey! I could do it like a ring world, just one continuous strip. Play around with how big I can practically make the boards. Ugh, now all I can think about is Halo. No way I'll be able to make something like that with this.
Fuck it, make everyone cats. That'll do it. Even the aliens: small, medium, large, and extra-large. They're, uhh, directed by a coven of witch-cats. They're the Coven Cat Fleet. Yeah. And the human resistance relies on... Sergeant Scritches. OK, so Sergeant Scritches goes off on this ring world, and he has to, like fight guys. With a gun. He can also use nunchuks, but they're terrible. I don't know. But he has to find a bunch of... hoops jump through, like... no, fuck it, just find the hoops and literally jump through them and magic happens. That's enough to learn how to make the event happen, you can make it fancy later.
OK, so you travel ring world, you kill the Coven Cats, you find better nunchuks, and... I dunno, gain the ability to dual wield. How can you heal? Cats eat fish. Mine for fish. Wait, that's taken, isn't it? Look, maybe he came up with that, but you can't copyright turning people into cats. Or shooting barrels for lutefisk.
What'll I call it? Something like Halo, but definitely not Halo. Oh. Oh, yeah.
OK, so I made a little sketch:
A quick sketch after making a little mock-up of the original Halo box art.
I gave myself too much room just to write "Hoop-Jumping Revolved," so I added "It Done Did" and it just kinda stuck. I played around more in GIMP, too. I'm still in my finger-paint stage, but soon I'll have some nice, starry backgrounds to load my tilesets over...
Mm-mm. That's some good GIMP practice, right there.
There was a point there where my screen looked like this:
Ingredients: Kittens, Samus, Chief. Put in blender.
Use "chop" setting for chunky, purée for smooth.
Before I get too far on this, though, I need to make a decision. Green or orange?
Sgt. Scritches can dress for many occasions.
I mean, I like green and all. But orange is the color of awesome. Maybe if I make it darker? I don't know.
Also, because I think everything needs a minimalist poster:
orange, definitely.